Spay/Neuter Assistance

For Dogs & Cats in Low-Income Families:

Thanks to Pet Friendly Services of Indiana's Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP), low-income Indiana residents can apply to get vouchers for $50 spay or neuter surgery. We accept these vouchers at our Low-Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic! (Many other vets accept them as well. Click here for the full list.)

Visit the Pet-Friendly Services website to apply and pay online! *Please note that mailed-in paper applications are no longer accepted.*

To help "spay it forward" and provide surgeries for pets in poverty, get your Pet-Friendly Plate here!

For Nursing Moms:

Last Litter Program

Did your dog or cat have an unwanted litter? The Vanderburgh Humane Society's Last Litter program offers free spay surgery for moms and guarantees adoption of her puppies/kittens after 8 weeks of age as long as no life-threatening health issues arise.

To participate in Last Litter, owners must surrender all puppies/kittens in the litter to the VHS and pay the $50 litter surrender fee. Then, once all puppies/kittens have arrived and been signed over and surrender fee has been paid, our Low-Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic will schedule an appointment to spay Mom for free!

It’s a win-win: placement of the puppies/kittens, and FREE spay surgery for mom!

To inquire about Last Litter appointments, call our Intake Department at (812) 426-2563 extension 208.

For Evansville "Pit Bull"-Type Dogs:

Pit Stop Program

Vanderburgh County residents can get their pit bull-type dogs spayed or neutered for free* through the Pit Stop program! (Not including deposit.)


  • Vanderburgh County residents only
  • Dogs must physically resemble a pit-bull type dog (determined at VHS Clinic staff's discretion)
  • Limited to 2 pit bull-type dogs per household
  • Nonrefundable deposit per dog (this can be applied to other services such as vaccines or microchip)
  • $25 rabies vaccination is required if not current 
  • $23 DA2PP vaccination highly recommended if not current, to protect against parvovirus (currently free in 2025 thanks to Petco Love's #VaccinatedandLoved campaign)

Make an appointment for the Pit Stop program here and specify "Pit Stop" in the Notes field!

*Support for vaccines for these programs provided by Petco Love: